Balloting in DHA Multan – Rumanza Golf Club

Plot Adjustment Balloting Ceremony

DHA Multan has maintained its fame and trust among the public, investors, and realtors. The society has built that immense trust with its fast development, timely possession, and special incentives for investors.

Project details: DHA MULTAN

Another reason is the transparent policy of DHA Multan’s Balloting. DHA Multan has executed more than a few successful balloting events and also handed over possession in more than 5 sectors till now.


This article covers upcoming ballots and results of previous ballots in DHA Multan!

Upcoming Ballot in DHA Multan

There is no Upcoming Ballot at the moment. Stay tuned for updates!

Balloting – Rumanza Golf Community for Overseas

DHA Multan observed Balloting for residential plots (Overseas) in Rumanza Golf Club on 12th January 2023.

These residential plots are reserved for overseas Pakistanis which means only overseas Pakistanis are eligible to participate in Rumanza Golf Club Balloting.

The last date to apply for balloting was 31st December 2022.

How to Apply for DHA Multan Balloting?

You can register online for DHAM Balloting through the official website.

Which Plots are included in DHA Multan’s Rumanza Golf Club Ballot?

The plots selected for balloting are 1 kanal, 2 kanal, and 12 marla residential plots.

Payment Plan of Rumanza Golf Club Overseas Plots

The successful members of ballotin can book their plots at 10% downpayment and pay the remaining amount through 8 Quartely Installments.

The payment plan for Rumanza Golf Club Overseas Plots is below:

Prices of overseas plots - DHAM Rumanza Golf Community - DHA Multan Overseas Ballot in Rumanza Golf Community

DHA Multan Balloting Results

DHA Multan held its first location ballot on 31st July 2019. Since then, the society has consistently held balloting ceremonies for its blocks.

DHA Multan carries out the balloting through computerized software to ensure transparency and uploads its ballotin results on its website afterward.

Below are the results and details of important previous ballots in DHA Multan:

Results of Rumanza Golf Club Residential Plots Ballot

The balloting was executed in an official ceremony and the results were uploaded online through our website.

Results of DHAM Phase I 2nd Ballot

Click here for Results of DHA MULTAN Phase-1 2nd Ballot.

DHA Multan’s Phase I 2nd Location Ballot held on 30th September 2021. Below are the highlights from the ceremony:

  • Due to rising demand, 5500 plots were added in this ballot including 1-Kanal, 10-Marla and 5-Marla plots.
  • The price for 1 Kanal plots are expected to rise between 9 to 11 Million after ballot.
  • 100 Plots added in sector B1. 
  • 1000 to 1200 plots of 5-Marla are added in sector P and T.
  • 1 Kanal plots are added to 6 sectors: Sector E,  L, S, X, W1 and W2.
  • The ballot files for Phase 1 3rd ballot are available which is expected to be held within 1 year.
  • No Phase 2 Files are expected to be launched.
  • The number of 4-Marla Commercial plots is reduced in Sect P, T, and V. Small sized commercial plots are provided by DHA Multan in all these sectors.
  • Development charges for these plots will be started from next year.

Balloting Results of Plots on Easy Intallments

Click here for Results of DHA MULTAN GENERAL BALLOT 2021.

The balloting was a success as the project balloted 1000 plots and received tremendous response from market. The aim of the balloting was to provide the existing and potential investors an affordable opportunity to invest with DHA Multan, despite the constant inflation of prices, without facing financial challenges.

More than 33000 applications were received and 8000 applications were from overseas applicants. 4 and 5 marla plots came out as the most demanded ones and more sectors had to be added to meet the demands. Moreover, 1 kanal plots now offered at 1 core and 20 lacs are expected to bring returns as high as 1 crore to 2 crore in the coming one or two years.

DHA Multan offered a limited number of residential & commercial plots in Phase-1 on 1, 2 & 3 years installments plan.

LEARN MORE: Plots On Installments In DHA Multan

Plot Adjustment Balloting Ceremony

In the event of Plot Adjustment Ballot Ceremony held, held on 20th May 2021, Sector W1 & W2 plots were adjusted into X & Y sectors.

This ballotin was an incredible opportunity for the plot owners of Sector W1 & W2 who wanted to get their plots adjusted rather in Sector X & Y. Because sectors X and Y touch The Pakistan Square which lies at the junction of five sectors; Sector Q, T, U, X, and Y. The square also links to N-4 & N-5 through Shah-Rukn-e-Alam Gate. 

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