As you all know, Capital Smart City is launching on 6th October 2019. They are all set to show their “Technologically Smart World” to their members. We are here to disclose the great news for the General block holder of the society. Now you can convert General to Executive Block in Capital Smart City. Yes! You heard it right; Future Development Holdings (Pvt) Ltd. has approved the conversion of general block to the executive block. Isn’t it great?
Why would you convert General to Execute Block in Capital Smart City?
Well! To increase your chances to appear in the first balloting, expected to be held on 15 November 2019, you have to be either an Executive block holder or Overseas block holder. General block holders are not included in the first balloting, so now the choice is yours. Don’t say it later that we haven’t informed.
How to become an Executive member?
To convert to Executive block, all you have to do is to deposit up to 50% of the total price of your file before 15 October 2019. General members! Get your pending dues clear before the deadline to get a preferred location in the Executive block. Hurry! the number of plots reserved for executive members are limited! Moreover, participating in the first ballot is also done on a first-come-first-served basis. So, the sooner you convert your block and pay 50% dues, the higher are your chances of being included in the first balloting. Do not miss out on this lifetime opportunity to convert general block to executive block in Capital Smart city.
To find out about other benefits of having a balloted file, take a look at our experts’ views or simply call them at +92 334 5557734 for a one-on-one free consultation! Do NOT miss out on this lifetime opportunity to convert general block to executive block in Capital Smart city.